by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Fizzy Forgiveness Equipment Needed: Large vase (s) of water Vitamin C dissolvable tablets Has someone done something which has annoyed you, hurt you or upset you? Holding on to these bad feelings can make you feel worse, which is why we need to try to forgive other...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Thank you, Sorry, Please Equipment Needed: Plastic teaspoons Pens Decorate a plastic teaspoon and put the initials TSP on it: Thank you Sorry Please It will act as a reminder of the 3 ways to...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Sorry Cross Equipment Needed: Wire cross Pieces of paper Pencils or pens We all get things wrong! Sometimes we do or say things that hurt other people. Saying sorry is admitting that you are wrong and that you want things to be right again. Do you need to say sorry...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Hand Prayers Equipment Needed: Paper Scissors Take a piece of paper and draw around your hand, then cut it out. On the four fingers write: Something to praise God for Something to thank God for Something that you would like to ask for God’s help with Something you...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
A Snowy Sorry Equipment Needed: Twigs – twisted willow sticks or twigs from another tree Vase with pennies in the bottom to weigh it still Cut out icicles, laminated Damp cloth or fragrance free baby wipes Whiteboard pens When snow first falls, it looks fresh...