Good Friends Stick Together

Good Friends Stick Together Equipment Needed:   Paper people cut outs Pencils or pens Friends sometimes argue – that’s normal.  But when friends say or do mean things and hurt each other, and then don’t apologise and sort things out, the friendship can get...

Torn Clothes

Torn Clothes Equipment Needed: Old pieces of fabric/ clothing Scissors Wire grid or netting – safely secured with no sharp edges Have you lost someone you love?  If you want to, you can take a corner of the fabric, cut a piece off and hold it while you think about, or...

Sorry Shredders

Sorry Shredders Equipment Needed: Shredder(s) Pieces of paper Ask God to show you things that you may have done or said which make Him sad.  Write or draw them on a piece of paper and then shred them as a symbol of God’s...

Letting Go – Forgiveness

Letting Go – Forgiveness Equipment Needed: Bowl of water Selection of pebbles Forgiving is letting go.  Has someone done something that made you feel annoyed, upset, or cross?  Holding onto these feelings make you feel worse, so it is good to forgive people. ...