Support Us
We have the privilege of acting as guides to children in their journey to learn about God and know Jesus for themselves. For some young adults, Splash has been a constant companion through every milestone of their educational journey.
This is a remarkable vision — to consistently, year after year, bring the word of life to children right from their earliest school days and as they mature into adulthood.
Would you be able to get involved and join this vision? Investing in the lives of children is one of the most worthwhile pursuits by anyone’s standards. Here are some ways in which you can do this!
We love to develop volunteers, train them and release them to work with children and families – in either weekly clubs, holiday clubs, one off events or even for organising activities.
Contact us for more information.
(Volunteers will need to complete an enhanced DBS disclosure)
Financial Support
As all charities, we too rely on the financial support of individuals and organisations – see below for more information and ideas on how you could support us financially.
We are well aware that there is always a need for prayer. We feel so very strongly that prayer is vital in our work and we really feel an impact from those prayers. If you are interested in praying for us, do please sign up to our newsletter below.
Each term we take the Christian message to over 3000 children! This builds a foundation of over 15 hours of Bible teaching over the course of every child’s schooling and you can help us to continue this for another decade! Even small amounts make a difference. A regular gift can keep us reaching out to the schools and children each term and every year! A gift of £25 per month would sponsor the assemblies in one school for a whole year.
Click on the picture or button below to give financially to Splash’s work. This will take you to our page on TotalGiving where you can make a one-off or regular gift online. Alternatively you can give directly through our bank:
Splash for Schools and Communities Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account: 00012664
Thank you for joining with us in journeying alongside children and young people for another decade!