by Michelle | Mar 16, 2021
Quiet Indoor Games Newspaper Outfits Equip : Newspaper Sellotape Give 10 minutes for each team to dress up a team member in paper on a certain theme. Noughts and Crosses Equip : Chairs Bands Put out 9 chairs in 3 rows of 3. Each team takes it in turns to sit on a...
by Michelle | Mar 16, 2021
Lively Indoor Games Fish In The Sea Equip : Chairs Sit on a circle of chairs facing outwards and go around the circle naming the players Cod, Plaice, Haddock in order. When their fish is called those players run around the circle clockwise. When the leader calls...
by Michelle | Mar 16, 2021
Lively Indoor Games with Two Teams Bucketball Equip : 2 chairs 2 buckets Large ball Bands Have 2 teams who choose a goalie to stand on a chair at the other end of the hall. Each team must throw the ball from person to person and into their bucket. The goalie may move...
by Michelle | Mar 16, 2021
Introductory Games These games are good for at the start when children are arriving late. New people can join in without upsetting teams or having to explain a lot of rules to each new arrival. Head It / Catch It Equip : Large ball Players stand in a circle with a...
by Michelle | Mar 16, 2021
Lively Outdoor Games with Two Teams Rounders Equip : Bat and ball Bases Play as usual but to avoid people being out and getting bored it is good to give points for each base reached i.e. if they get to 1st base they get 1 point,2nd = 2,3rd = 3 4th = 5 points. If they...