by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Refugee Rucksacks Equipment Needed: Rucksack/s Some items eg Bible, storybook, plasters, slippers, soft toy, water bottle, chocolate, game, umbrella, biscuits, first aid kit, pens, photograph of family, sleeping bag, mobile phone, hairbrush/comb,soap, etc Paper...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Please Please Please Equipment Needed: Large cardboard boxes Pencils or pens There is nothing that Jesus loves more than when we ask for His help. Often we only ask when we’ve tried everything else, instead of coming to HIM first. For some people, what they need help...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Thank you, Sorry, Please Equipment Needed: Plastic teaspoons Pens Decorate a plastic teaspoon and put the initials TSP on it: Thank you Sorry Please It will act as a reminder of the 3 ways to...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Wow! Equipment Needed: Large cushions, beanbags Selection of objects/photos that reflect creation ie shells, scenic photos, pot plant Create an area with a selection of things which reflect the wonder of God’s creation. Sit quietly, take time to hold them. What else...
by Michelle | Mar 11, 2021
Giving my Gift Equipment Needed: Large wrapped box with a removable lid. Small plain matchboxes paper pens or pencils We all have gifts that we can give to others:- our talents, skills, characteristics, things that we are good at. What are your gifts? If you want, you...